“The Clash of Kingdoms” (Steve – 23/6/24 @ 9am)
Title Verse: Luke 11:20 Luke 11:14-28; Exodus 8:16-19, 12:12-17 BIG IDEA: The kingdom of God arrives with Jesus and demands a right response to his power.
Title Verse: Luke 11:20 Luke 11:14-28; Exodus 8:16-19, 12:12-17 BIG IDEA: The kingdom of God arrives with Jesus and demands a right response to his power.
Title Verse: Luke 11:1 Luke 11:1-13; Psalm 4 BIG IDEA: Jesus teaches us to pray knowing God is our heavenly Father who is eager to give to his children. SERMONVIDEOLINK
Title Verse: Luke 10:25 Luke 10:25-37, Deuteronomy 6:1-19 BIG IDEA: Eternal life is gained by loving God and neighbour, but in failing that Jesus is our “neighbour”, saving us to love God and love others. SERMONVIDEOLINK
Title Verse: Luke 10:38 Luke 10:38-42; Psalm 63 BIG IDEA: Discipleship begins with receiving Jesus and listening to him. SERMONVIDEOLINK
Title Verse: Luke 10:21 Luke 10:17-24; Psalm 91 BIG IDEA: Rejoice for we belong to God + know him because Jesus the Son reveals the Father to us + fulfils his purpose in us. SERMONVIDEOLINK
Title Verse: Luke 10:2 Luke 10:1-16, Micah 4:1-5 BIG IDEA: Jesus sends his disciples out to declare the kingdom, and we too are to be propelled into the world with an urgent mission to declare the kingdom. SERMONVIDEOLINK
Luke 9:51-62, Psalm 84 SERMONVIDEOLINK
Title Verse: Psalm 134:3 Psalm 133 and 134, Ephesians 1:1-14 Big Idea: Christ brings us together in a unity to enjoy the life and blessing of God. SERMONVIDEOLINK
Title Verse: Psalm 132:8 Psalm 132, John 15:1-17 BIG IDEA: The establishment of God’s dwelling + throne + promise is rehearsed pointing us to the reign of Christ established through his death, resurrection and ascension. SERMONVIDEOLINK
Title Verse: Psalm 131:2 Psalm 131, Philippians 2:1-11 Big Idea: Turn away from the drive for self-promotion, self-seeking and self-satisfaction and find contentment in Christ. SERMONVIDEOLINK