SERMON (Steve @ 9am on 7/4/24)
Title: John 20:1 Genesis 2:4-17; John 20:1-23 Big Idea: The Risen Jesus is the new Adam who brings the new world and this broken world will pass away; and so invites us to be a part of the new humanity in him. SERMONVIDEOLINK
Title Verse: Psalm 129:2 Psalm 129, Matthew 16:13-20 Big Idea: The church has suffered through the ages but has prevailed because her victory is in the suffering of Jesus and so brings his blessings to the world. SERMONVIDEOLINK
Bible Readings Psalm 123 and Psalm 124 SERMONVIDEOLINK
Title: Verse: Psalm 126:3 Psalm 126, 1 Thessalonians 1:2-10 BIG IDEA: We rejoice and give thanks for what God has done (esp. the cross and resurrection) and we trust him for what will happen (esp. the return of Jesus). SERMONVIDEOLINK
Title Verse: Psalm 122:1 Psalm 122, 125; Luke 19:37-48 BIG IDEA: God is our destination in the New Jerusalem and Christ brings us to him through his death, so we journey through life as those who belong to him. SERMONVIDEOLINK
Genesis 3:1-19; John 17:1-5, 20-26 BIG IDEA: Understand how big God’s love for us in Jesus is and how far it goes. SERMONVIDEOLINK
Message 1: Bible Reading: Luke 1:26-38 Message 2: Bible Reading: Matthew 1:18-24 Message 3: Bible Reading: Matthew 2:1-12 BIBLETALKSVIDEOLINK
Revelation 21:1-8, 21:22-22:5 Isaiah 65:17-25 BIG IDEA: The New Creation is God’s home and home for his people forever. The New Creation is an active place centred on serving and worshiping God and the Lord Jesus Christ. SERMONVIDEOLINK
Title Verse: Isaiah 9:2 Isaiah 8:19-9:7; Luke 1:67-79 BIG IDEA: Jesus is the Saviour we hope in and his salvation is the reason for our joy. SERMONVIDEOLINK