Title Verse: Luke 9:29 Luke 9:28-36, Isaiah 42:1-9 Big Idea: Jesus glory is revealed as the Christ, the Servant and the Prophet who will bring God’s people to him. SERMONVIDEOLINK
Title Verse: Acts 2:16-17 Isaiah 2:1-5, 2 Peter 3:1-13 BIG IDEA: Eschatology is the theology of last things and looks at how God’s purpose is fulfilled in Christ, showing us that we are in the last days – the time between Christ’s first appearance and his return. SERMONVIDEOLINK
Isaiah 2:1-5, 2 Peter 3:1-13 BIG IDEA: Eschatology is the theology of last things and looks at how God’s purpose is fulfilled in Christ, showing us that we are in the last days – the time between Christ’s first appearance and his return. SERMONVIDEOLINK