Sermons by Hugh Prattis

110 of 49 items

“Discipleship – Submitting to One Another” (Hugh – 12/1/25 @ 9am)


Title verse: But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.    (James 3:17-18) Bible Readings: James 3:1-18, 4:11-17; John 13:3-17 Big Idea: What we communicate can build up, […]

“Antioch Becomes a Mission Hub” (Hugh – 15/12/24 pm)


Acts11:19-30; Acts 12: 25 – Acts 13: 3 Big idea: Anonymous believers share the gospel in Antioch and the church is strengthened by Barnabas and then Saul. Mission to this city will result in a gospel hub that then through the Spirit sends Barnabas and Saul out for mission (13:1-3). SERMONVIDEOLINK



Title verse: Acts 9:42 Acts 9:32-43;  Luke 5:17-26, Luke 8:49-56 Big idea: Peter performs very similar miracles to Jesus, showing that the Spirit is at work in the lives of his followers and that the gospel is not just an historical fact, but a present reality. As Christians, we too have Spirit given power in […]

“The God That Is” (Hugh – 20/10/24 @ 9am)


Title verse: Exodus 3:14a: “God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” Exodus 3:1-15; John 8:48-59 Big idea: How well do you know God? We often think of God as far smaller than he is. When we see his true nature we must trust him, follow him and praise him. SERMONVIDEOLINK